ShopLiftr introduces an innovative digital ad tech solution

In response to the ever-increasing demand for targeted deals in the face of mounting inflation concerns, ShopLiftr is empowering retailers to capitalize on the enduring strength of retail promotions via an innovative digital ad tech solution. 

ShopLiftr’s unique dynamic creative platform is reshaping the future of circulars and digital promotions, providing a more efficient and effective way to drive hyperlocal sales, increase foot traffic, and deliver significant value to shoppers.

Retail flyers and promotions are not fading away; however, they are undergoing a pivotal shift from print to digital. Considering that more than 8 in 10 shoppers frequently check circulars for weekly grocery deals, and a staggering 81% of shoppers conduct online price checking before buying, the relevance and influence of digital in-store promotion amplification becomes evermore apparent.

Despite some signs of stabilizing inflation, 94% of American consumers expect the higher cost of groceries to persist. As a result, price continues to be a significant factor for shoppers, with 67% stating that it influences their choice of a go-to large retailer. In response, deal hunting has become mainstream, with nearly half of consumers shifting to merchants offering greater discounts and deals in the past year. This presents a significant opportunity for retailers to provide tailored value and cost-savings to consumers to attract them to add products from their stores to their shopping lists.

ShopLiftr understands that the key to success lies in effectively leveraging the digital ad space. By harnessing the largest proprietary database of active trade promotions in North America, ShopLiftr enables retailers and brands to deliver targeted deals and flexible messaging directly to consumers via dynamic display and video ads. Through hyperlocal trade promotion amplification, ShopLiftr ensures that consumers receive the most relevant and enticing deals based on their location and preferences – in real-time. This approach enhances the shopping experience, drives increased foot traffic and boosts in-store sales.

ShopLiftr’s dynamic ad solutions have proven to be highly effective, with a retail grocery partner experiencing a remarkable 19% increase in foot traffic. Likewise, a leading consumer goods brand witnessed an impressive 28% upswing in foot traffic, thanks to the tailored and impactful digital display and video ads provided by ShopLiftr.

“Digital flyer amplification and dynamic ads are more than just buzzwords at ShopLiftr. They’re revolutionizing the retail ad industry,” said Ian Clark, VP of Sales at ShopLiftr. “By integrating cutting-edge technology and data insights, we help retailers and brands engage their customers in a more effectual way, with superior results.”